Terrains Grid Generator
Here we will break down each public parameter of the TerraForgeTerrainsGridGenerator component
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Here we will break down each public parameter of the TerraForgeTerrainsGridGenerator component
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- the component of generating a grid of terrain, which are then stitched together at the edges for smooth transitions (blended).
Don't know how to get started with grid generation? Explore this page.
Terrains Grid Generator does not support different Terrain Painter coloring presets. At the moment it is only possible to apply the Terrain Painter coloring preset to all terrains in the grid at once.
The TerraForgeTerrainGenerator
component has three parameter windows for generation settings and a separate window for starting the grid generation:
Grid Settings
Terrain Settings
Biomes Settings
Grid Generation Launch Window
Let's break down each of them individually.
Grid Settings
The Grid Settings
window handles the primary settings for the terrains grid:
Grid Columns
- The number of columns in the terrain grid.
Grid Lines
- The number of lines in the terrain grid.
Transition Width
- The width of the transition between terrains. The transition takes the vertices of the neighboring terrain, mirrors them, and smoothly applies them to the original.
Transition Strength
- The strength of the transition between terrains.
Edge Smoothing
- Indicates whether edge smoothing is enabled. This is needed to add blur to the seams.
Blur Radius
- The radius for blurring the edges of the terrains.
Falloff Transition Width
- The width of the falloff transition for smoothing edges.
Falloff Range
- The range of the falloff for smoothing edges.
Terrain Settings
The Terrain Settings
window includes the basic settings for the terrains:
Terrain Size
- The size of each terrain.
"Refresh Terrain Size" Button
- You need to press this button for the new size to apply to the terrains. The default size is 1000.
Terrains Material
- The material to apply to the generated terrains. The default material is Default-Terrain-Standard.
"Refresh Terrains Material" Button
- You need to press this button for the new material to apply to the terrain.
Terrains Resolution
- The resolution of the terrains to generate.
"Refresh Terrains Resolution" Button
- You need to press this button for the new resolution to apply to the terrain.
Biomes Settings
The Biomes Settings
window manages the settings related to biomes:
- An array of biomes. When generating the grid, one of the biomes will be randomly selected for each of the terrains.
Creating Empty Biomes
- Enables the creation of empty biomes. Empty biomes are needed to create a grid consisting of islands and spaces between them (experimental feature).
Empty Biomes Creation Chance
- The chance of creating an empty biome, ranging from 0 (no chance) to 1 (certain).
Empty Biomes Height
- The height value of the empty biomes.
Grid Generation Launch Window
Delete Previous TerrainData Files
- Specifies whether to delete TerrainData
files from a previous grid generation of this component before starting a new generation.
"Generate New Grid" Button
- The main button for generating a new terrains grid.
The grid deletion window is needed for forced deletion of the grid if necessary. It completely deletes the terrains grid (the terrains in the scene and their TerrainData
files). Hold to confirm the deletion of the terrains grid. After confirmation, the delete button will be available.